Larger than Life: A Story About My Life

Samantha Santana
3 min readJan 28, 2021

My name is Samantha and I am a 21 year old public relations student who likes reading books and watching movies. When I used to work at a movie theater, I wanted to become a director. I love everything about movies and making them was my biggest dream at the time. I was ready to make my life all about film and take that path down to the Oscars.

La La Land (2016)

Now, I am ready to begin my journey on a new path. This path hopefully leads me to the world of public relations. I have developed skills such as critical thinking and creativity that are sure to help me become successful in this world, even if it will take me a while to get there. Working at a theater not only taught me about fixing problems (popcorn spills happened way too often) but it taught me about communication and how important it is to properly convey a message. These lessons will be taken with me into this big world of communications. I don’t exactly have an idea just yet about what specific area I would like to tackle in this field, but what I do know is that I am passionate about the work I do and this field allows me to show that passion.

This time next year, I will be graduating! Four years really does fly by. I am so thankful to have gotten the chance to pursue an education, especially during a pandemic. Next year, I see myself beginning the job search for a position in the public relations field. Before that, perhaps I will travel and see the world just a bit before I enter the adult world. That is with the hope that the pandemic is over and that student debt doesn’t overcome my life.

In 5 years, I see myself as a successful public relations employee working for a large corporation, helping them with their communication tactics and delivering key messages to the public. Hopefully I will be in a place where I can advance in the company. I also hope to direct a few short films on my spare time and take cooking classes, as I’ll probably be living on my own and have to make meals better than grilled cheese.

In 10 years, I will be working at the top level of my company. This is a large step and a big dream, but I know I can make it there. Hopefully I am making a change in the public relations world and the world in general. Maybe I’ll have kids or develop a preference for almond milk, but I hope that wherever I am, I’m successful and happy.

